Saturday, August 21, 2010

tech | blessed silence | amazon

You're sitting in a restaurant with your friends. The TV in the corner is blaring. You realize that none of you are actually talking to each other. Instead, you're all staring at a piece of furniture!

Now there's a solution: the TV-B-Gone. This small keychain wonder is designed to turn off virtually any television. 


Sunday, August 15, 2010

education | teacher effectiveness | la times

Unions hate it, administrators seem clueless, Michelle Ree used it to weed-out ineffective teachers in Washington, DC. What is this mystery? Quantitative assessment of teacher performance. Hint: it's not all about teacher education level or seniority. Read on for more.

photos | america '39-'43 | denver post

America in photos 1939-1943 - you can see both the grinding poverty and the infrastructure/industrial build-up preceding and into WWII.