Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thanksgiving | Giving Thanks this Year | Noonan_WSJ

We all have something to be thankful for this year. Here is Peggy Noonan's veiwpoint.

Healthcare | The Henry Ford of Heart Surgery | WSJ

Politicians bicker. Bloggers rant. Talk radio pundits scream. Seniors protest. Uninsured agonize. While we all swirl but do little about getting the cost of healthcare down, here's an article about a success story. It will be a pity if we have to offshore healthcare in order to manage the costs. Everyone here loves their little piece of waste in the healthcare system ... be it insurers, lawyers, doctors, hospitals, pharma or patients.

Time | No Time to Read This? Read This | WSJ

Time management techniques reviewed here. I'm intrigued with David Allen's GTD but not sure I'm willing to invest the time (no pun intended). The Pomodoro Technique is intriguing ... may give that a try. For me, a written to-do list and careful management of e-mail makes a big difference. Also, just get it done, stop over-analyzing it.