Thursday, September 25, 2008

Money | Buffett Interview | CNBC

Worthwhile tidbits here from Warren Buffett. If this very sharp and common sense investor says that the government needs to intervene in the credit crisis then I'm sold. Hopefully, Congress will wrap-up venting their collective spleen in the next day and get on with business. They can talk all they want about caps on executive compensation - for this credit crisis, the bad boys and girls who have driven us to the brink have largely already collected their big $$$. Nonetheless, IMHO the train-wreck-causing easy-credit/credit-securitization situation needs to be reined-in hard.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Money | $0.7T Bailout | US Treasury

Here's a one-page summary of how $0.7T of new US debt will be used. Paulson was asked what if it doesn't work? He responded it must work. More than a little unsettling. I'm thinking that we're looking at a whole new economy down the road. Prudent spending by individuals, businesses and government - if that's where we land - will resonate through the global economy like an 8.0. Cheers!

Money | Bailout or Crisis Avoidance? | Kedrosky

I'll have a longer post soon about my views on the current financial crisis and the $0.7T fund to buy poison mortgages. Meanwhile and for your amusement here's one person's perspective: