When you get your economic stimulus check, save it. And then check-out this
article for more ideas about how to get your personal finances into better shape.
This nation and its citizens can't borrow, consume and spend itself silly forever, now can it? FY2007 Interest on the national debt was $430B or about $3800 per household per year. That's just the interest on money the feds spent that they didn't have. Just for scale, the national debt is $9.3Trillion. The TOTAL subprime mortgage debt in the nation is about $1Trillion. So, subprime mortgage debt is a piker compared to our national debt.

To see how the national debt has changed over time, check-out this graphic (from this
website). Unsettling. Who was watching the shop when those administrations racked-up all that debt? Have you told your kids/grandkids how lucky they are to have to pay-off our debts? They may not be thrilled.